The eco-friendly Habitat project is based on three strong convictions that characterize it.

The first line of research is that of architecture located based on local economic and cultural development. In contrast to the modernist conception of architecture "international" one identical across the planet, our approach emphasizes the diversity according to the context in which it develops. For us, the emerging architecture of the place, territory and culture of its inhabitants. This approach, however, denies that any attachment to the past is to not validate as the local tradition. It is well to summarize, each time the characteristics space, scenic, cultural and material of a specific territory. The goal is to be able to project the future with full knowledge of local building cultures that make up a set of resources that can be updated and mobilized. In this sense, the

1 See in this connection the reports of the two laboratories report 2005-2009 CRATerre-ENSAG and constructive cultures.

conservation and management of architectural heritage are also addressed as a lever for local development.

The second area is the development of this architecture located in a spirit of economy understood in its etymological Greek (oikonomos) which refers to "the proper management of the house" - in this case the home of each man, but also that of the common home, our planet. The stated goal is to always try to design architectures capable of doing in all areas of design, "the most with the least", including the most impact and social space with less material and to energy possible. The societal goal that motivates this approach is of course that of access to housing for as many of us. Producing sufficient numbers of housing costs under control - and in some situations at very low cost - is a major challenge of the twenty-first century.

The third area of ​​development of this architecture and economic located with a pragmatic spirit. In the area still vague and subjective Sustainable Development convenes all expectations informed that the ancestral fears and fantasies lot of apocalyptic, the rational scientific approach is a solid platform that forces the mind to rely on objective data verified while identifying the sets of actors and conflicts of interests that are at work in the field of production of housing.

Laboratories CRATerre-ENSAG constructive cultures and have decided to bring their research capabilities to establish a new research unit called the "Architecture, Constructive Cultures & Environment", or AE & CC.

This approximation is motivated and driven by the ability of two laboratories to define together a new science that contributes to a prospective trends of research for new research on three major backbones: Habitat, Materials, and Heritage. This scientific project aims to better position the new unit on:

- Research on architectural and urban challenges of the 21st century;

- The creation of an architectural education polytechnic on the issue of sustainable construction;

- The development of an ambitious "City of sustainable construction."

This proposal is also justified by the history of research at the National School of Architecture of Grenoble, and of these two entities, the past 30 years:

- A shared path around the issue of "constructive culture" that has contributed to the development of the Grands Ateliers de l'Isle d'Abeau, from a collective thinking of teachers and researchers in these two research teams and Education the construction gives a central place to the heuristic of "constructive experimentation." The two laboratories involved in the project Great Workshops from its origin;

- A joint position, gradually consolidated, based on three main issues the main research areas investigated by the laboratory CRATerre-ENSAG constructive cultures in which the laboratory adheres:

o how to value cultural diversity?

o how to better manage natural resources?

o how to contribute to the fight against poverty?

- The creation of a teaching team combining these two research units of the Master "Architecture & constructive cultures" of ENSAG when was implemented educational reform in LMD;

- A commitment to shared scientific and educational on the issue of local development areas by mobilizing the potential of local resources: materials and techniques, knowledge and know-how of constructive cultures situated (traditional and current) for the housing project economic and environmentally responsible ;

- The joint effort that has been developed to implement the device to the doctoral ENSAG, in association with the LIG and UJF, Grenoble, this effort was supported by obtaining three HDR 2 which allowed integration of the two laboratories at the Doctoral School No. 454, "Humanities, the Policy and Planning", and consolidated supervision of research thesis on cross-cutting issues,

These two professors Anne Coste, and Philippe Hubert Guillaud Potié. Philippe Potié has since joined the Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Versailles, and founded a new research team.

shared or complementary, especially on issues of local sustainable development of territories, and eco-habitat, whether in developed regions (north) and developing (south);

3.2. Bring together research on the constructive cultures ENSAG

The term "constructive culture" refers to a specific area of ​​investigation. It is well built, but construction considerations enriched "soft" questions from anthropological, historical, social ... The idea is that the technical phenomenon (a wall, a frame ...) can not be reduced to its description or its model, and its constitution incorporates the human factor in all its complexity. The wall framing are artifacts, and probably thought, and as such they reflect the subtlety of human creations which they are traced. Human societies in their diversity, build, build, and works that result tell us about their organization, their know-how, their imagination. Also, the "constructive culture" include a category of research that is relevant to the description of technical devices connected to the building highlighting the human provisions governing the implementation of materials and construction techniques. Provisions by human means a complex layering of skills, performances, resource management, work organization, economics.

This sensitivity "open" has gradually manifested in the schools of architecture there is a little over fifteen years. Closely related to pedagogy, this meant to upgrade the "architecture", crossing doubts, the unit discussed in class, extending its domain to urban issues, heritage, landscape and environmental soon, a questioning of its identity material. What defines or specifies that constructive? What is built in a context of economic poverty or underdevelopment? Concrete and steel are the only ones using the developed economies? How much the entrepreneurial component has it in the way of building?

Such questions have led the thinking and soon the search for architects engaged in a real debate on the foundations of their art. Thus were born a number of research teams in France and Europe (Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Germany) which have matured their problems and worked as a network. Les Grands Ateliers de l'Isle d'Abeau are a result of these exchanges. A significant number of publications on the history of construction or materials on the vernacular building tradition, and the use of technical building systems such as earth construction have emerged since the 80 . Also new research units were created, and enjoying the important reforms undertaken in the architectural education in France. In this bundle of research and experiments, comparisons were natural products, particularly within the School of Architecture of Grenoble. Thus, the laboratory "CRATerre", created by Patrice Doat, Hugo Houben and Hubert Guillaud, from birth engaged in research on the material world, and the former laboratory "site-design" created by Sergio Ferro, become "constructive cultures "(under the direction of Philippe Potié), taking advantage of new constraints defined AERES to operate an institutional rapprochement, while intellectual affinities have long existed between the two entities. The growing attention to environmental issues, which by definition requires a multi disciplinary opening, also justifies this approximation. (Re) understanding of traditional materials such as earth, straw, bamboo, the detailed study of production chains of conventional materials such as cement, steel, wood ..., the research on the history of heritages still little known of these materials, and perhaps especially the integration of these studies and research in the field of housing, both source and outlet for their purpose, are the lives of two teams, both in the lab in the library or on the ground.

Three axes orient when the subject of our future research. Habitat, Material Heritage. Habitat because it is inconceivable, in light of "constructive cultures" reflect on the materials and techniques that are not "located", that is to say, applied to the substrate material of living together, and involved in the specific terms still live. Material, because there is still much to do and try to provide a better understanding of emerging alternative materials as well as those traditionally widespread. Heritage finally, as an immense reservoir is to describe or to discover and preserve about the techniques and skills associated with that industrial production dominant left in the shadows. Each of these axes, variably fed by programs and projects are well underway, some of which are crossed by the same concern for knowledge available and shared. For this reason, the size of the valuation is particularly worked. Whether at the level of education, publishing, testing (Ateliers), animation scientific community (conferences) or public events (conferences, exhibitions).

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Translated from CRA Terre