New occurrences outstanding research on the topic and
materials for sustainable housing and accessible: to the City of sustainable
The research unit brings together teachers and researchers for decades by a
broad range of materials, whose excellence is recognized by the quality of their
publications covering the history of the concrete (Simonnet) of natural cements,
quick and Roman (
Avenier), earth and the "raw grain" (CRATerre).
As part of their teaching of the Master "Architecture and constructive cultures"
and in connection with the Grands Ateliers, the unit members are also linked to
other teachers and researchers, professionals, who position themselves at the
forefront of research and development activities on a wider range of materials
including steel, stone, wood, glass, textiles, composite, earth, straw and hemp
7, as many materials that are
being revisited by the research and experimentation across the "constructed"
(prototypes) that are a real factor in industrial innovation potential.
Thus, the current investment for a construction and architecture of sustainable
development by adopting a posture of open design innovation on a broad beam
lines of research related to the experiment, the scale of
materials to that of "project", the unit AE & CC is at the heart of a
"scientific revolution".
A revolution actually engaged with the expansion of the partnership at the
Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), the National Institute of
Solar Energy (INES), which is currently driven by the participation of the team
of Master A & CC
international competition of the Solar Decathlon in Madrid in 2010.
The competition between 20 universities, colleges and schools of architecture in
the world is to present a prototype housing fully autonomous solar energy,
challenge the team grew the economy by minimizing construction costs and
than that of mobility by incorporating the needs of an electric vehicle in the
balance sheet of the photovoltaic production.
This exceptional case in which the team has entered
the master has opened other opportunities for scientific collaboration with
local authorities, particularly in Saône et Loire in connection with the CG 71
and the Gallery
7 Pascal Rollet in connection with the Arcelor-Mittal Steel, Gilles Perraudin
for stone, Bruno Marielle for wood, Simonnet Cyril and Cedric Avenier for
concrete and cement, with groups Vicat and Lafarge, Olivier Gaujard for
écohabitat the wood and straw, Laurent Arnaud,
director of the Great Workshops for hemp, Anne Coste with industrial glass
(Saint Gobain), Nicolas Olivier, and Pauli Baverel for textiles (Ferrari), Luc
Boulais for composites.
European Forest and Wood, prototypes to achieve other eco-friendly habitat
declining the Solar Decathlon project by developing the country's own resources
(stone, earth, wood) to Louhans, Tournus and Cluny.
This collaboration started in late 2008 will be
developed and consolidated with the next quadrennial.
Simultaneously, research on "the material in grain," the program "Grain of
builders' CRATerre, supported by the Rhone-Alps during the last four, led to the
design of the exhibition" My Earth For Raw Material
Building Tomorrow "inaugurated by the City of Science and Industry (CSI) at the
beginning of October 2009.
The exhibition co-produced with other regional institutions that host until
2013, then in several ISTAC of the Rhone-Alpes, is an event in the field of
dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial.
Presenting manipulation and interactive experiences to discover the land area,
this exhibition is revolutionizing the teaching by a teaching heuristic that
accompanies both the acquisition and structuring of knowledge.
The process of discovery of the material applied to the teachings ENSAG and
large workshops, extended by experimental activity to actual size (in terms of
built), generates a very creative environment for the housing project based on
perceptions of the potential of new materials and
This revolution in scientific and educational research on matter and materials,
and in the education construction and architecture, the strong synergy between
teaching, research, action and development, open
a far more ambitious while Grands Ateliers de l'Isle d'Abeau, after 10 years,
reached their capacity limit of exploitation.
This is the City of Sustainable Construction, currently in planning phase, which
will bring together three components: the Workshop of the material, the
prototype workshop, and workshop Inhabited (or village demonstration), a
Partnership scientific, technical and industrial designed to experiment and
innovate in the field of eco-habitat.
Unit A & CC, Patrice Doat teachers around 8 and Pascal Rollet, with all its
teachers and researchers is central to the porting of this new project will be
developed over the next four.
It is also the heart of this project is the development of a "center of
excellence of earthen architecture", supported by the Rhone-Alpes whose mission
is to become a reference platform in the areas of international
research for Education and the valuation for earthen
architecture (international scientific programs, vocational training, teacher
training, thematic seminars, ...).
The exponential demand for expertise on the valuation
of assets, on eco-housing and economic housing, and prevention and management of
natural hazards
The new unit AE & CC, bringing together potential research and training
activities CRATerre and will promote constructive cultures of other openings
positioned on a request for expertise from the French and European context in
addition to the many activities of
CRATerre international expertise that deploys in the field of earthen
This application of expertise and will cover other materials, techniques and
constructive cultures by incorporating the field of cement concrete and natural
materials of modern architecture that developed in our latitudes and in the
southern countries, since
the 19th century.
This application is therefore able to expand to other
historical and architectural heritage archaeological same (cement concrete
structures and natural ancient times, Roman times, pe).
The last four confirmed a marked increase in research and development,
experimentation in innovation on materials (cast earth wall and floors, pieces
of shell in compacted soil or clay extruded), the provisions
constructive architecture of eco-housing and economic responsibility with the
activities by both CRATerre and team teaching of the Master "Architecture and
building cultures."
These activities "is taken" with a scientific community and an extended
industrial (Grands Ateliers, CSTB, INES, INSA, ENTPE, industry working with GA).
They should grow in the draft City of Sustainable Construction, previously
mentioned on which the unit is highly mobilized.
The sensitive approach to achieving cost savings that adds to that of reducing
consumption of non-renewable energy and the use of scarce resources, which aims
to promote the use of local resources of the territories (materials, cultures,
knowledge and local know-how) to achieve an architecture of sustainable
development should strengthen the investment unit in opening a path for both
research, new experiments and projects in France
as in the southern CRATerre which is already very
active, able to combine the skills of researchers constructive cultures.
The other area of research, R & D and expertise, which operates a large
increase covers the issue of prevention of natural risks (earthquakes, floods,
cyclones) and civilians (conflict), and management of the aftermath to rebuild
traumatized societies and heritage built Disaster or
relocate populations
8 Professor Patrick is the founder of Doat CRATerre.
He drove in the 80 college research of ENSAG on "under construction" that the
model was inspired project Great Workshops.
He is now president of
GA and leads with Laurent Arnaud, Director of GA, and the steering committee
comprising representatives of the GIP project progress to the City of
Sustainable Construction.
Professor Pascal Rollet is the teacher in charge of Architecture and Master
constructive cultures, which is currently the Solar Decathlon project with
students and in connection with the CSTB, the INES and Polytech Savoie, as well
as projects with the General Council
Saone et Loire (71).
displaced to return to their life contexts, while instructing a course of local
development, in situations that are particularly sensitive.
By integrating the dynamics of the laboratory CRATerre (see review 2005-2009),
his work on methods and participatory methods of intervention (the role of
stakeholders), the housing projects highlighting local resources, and involving
ability of expertise extended to other materials, constructive cultures and on
the scale of the project (planning) brought by the research team constructive
culture, the unit should enhance their skills and develop this area of work
expertise in positioning itself on other social issues.
Again, in the heart of this approach, the R & D
associated with experimentation on prototypes (ie the Great Workshops, or on
sites) occupy a central place in the next four.
Finally also note all the actions in support of higher education and vocational
training associated with many local development projects located in areas of
enhancement of architectural heritage, habitat and economic eco
-habitat enhancement activities of scientific, technical and industrial on the
theme of the material, which will surely be realized over the next four in the
path of a mobilization of teachers and researchers of
The Earth Architecture Program of the 2017 UNESCO
The new international program of UNESCO, "Earth Architecture 2007-2017" which
was officially launched by the World Heritage Centre in February 2007 on the
occasion of the international conference Terra 2007 Bamako, Mali, as a CRATerre
much to define in conjunction with the World Heritage Centre, offers the
possibility to extend the experience gained during 11 years of the project
"Africa 2009".
Specifically, the program aims to:
- Create examples of good practice in conservation and management of World
Heritage in land (cities, monuments and archaeological sites) support the
development of sustainable tourism, train managers in situ properties and sites,
technicians, artisans and guides
; develop technical recommendations, follow the
implementation of projects;
- Support the scientific and applied research in the
field: laboratory documentation, experimentation, thematic seminars;
- Increase opportunities for specialized training:
current thematic assistance to institutions to develop university education and
vocational training support for the preparation of teaching materials;
- Better recognition, both internationally and
nationally, through advocacy and education: publications, exhibitions, regional
workshops, international and regional conferences.
The pilot phase 2009-2010 is expected to consolidate the African experience and
open to Arab countries.
The consolidation phase 2011-2014 will include Latin America and Central Asia,
while the final phase 20015-2017 consolidate operations in Asia and Europe.
This programming may be able to evolve according to
the resources allocated to the project and regional partnerships confirmed.
Already, the experiments developed in sub-Saharan Africa, those engaged in
Central Asia and a more specific approach of the Mediterranean region as part of
an expert meeting that followed the conference Mediterra 2009 (March), organized
in partnership with the Getty Conservation Institute, United States, the
University of Cagliari, Italy, Escola Superior Gallaecia Portugal and CRATerre
(Ed. sc.) pose the main lines of an action plan in research and teaching 9
in the areas of heritage and habitat.
This program provides great opportunities for the
research unit over the next 10 years.
The creation of an online journal
We noted above difficulties to benefit from media promotion of research on
earthen architecture in journals rank "A" (not found in this specific area) or
even in peer-reviewed
reading listed (Humanities and Social Sciences, Engineering Sciences).
CRATerre hosted on its own for more than 10 years a "Newsletter CRATerre," later
became "Bulletin of the Terra" which was a true forum for promotion of research,
teaching and
training projects which have benefited several academic and professional
networks internationally.
This initiative had to be discontinued for lack of sufficient resources, leaving
a vacuum that is still to be filled.
At the recent Ibero-American Seminar on earth construction (8 th SIACOT) held in
Argentina, the network managed by the UNESCO Chair CRATerre and Ibero American
ProTerra, took the decision to create a journal to
themes, online, multilingual (French, Spanish, English), under the direction of
an international scientific committee which should be operational by 2010.
This online journal will be published and distributed on the respective sites of
CRATerre (input UNESCO Chair) and network ProTerra.
This initiative of the scientific journal of earth
architecture should be
(APAch2009) - Achenza et al 2009: Achenza Maddalena,
Cancino, Claudia, Correia, Mariana, Ferron, Amila, Guillaud, Hubert
- Experts workshop on the study and conservation of earthen architecture called
year contribution to sustainable development in the Mediterranean region.
Ed Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, United
States, 2009, p. 35
viewed under a field of concerns further covering the field of Environmental
Design on which the research unit AE & CC and the Master Architecture and
building cultures (A & CC), are federated and could be a part of scientific
publishing more open.