The Environment


How to cut paper usage and save the environment.

The Old Ones

1 - Print double sided.

2 - Only print when it is absolutely necessary.

Some Newer Methods

3 - Use a program such a pdf creator to merge documents in to pdf files that can be emailed, this saves printing all together.

4 - Instead of printing a web page, pdf it with a program like cute pdf.

5 - If you receive hard copies via post, use a duplex scanner to create digital copies of these letter / report etc, and the use email to send then around.

save paper

6 - If you need to sign documents then scan a copy of your signature, and paste this in the digital documents, this is not great idea if you share your computer.

What kind of paper?

Well sourced or recycled paper has less of an impact so these sustainable varieties should replace you usual paper. Check the recycled content of paper closer to 100% the better. Also look out for sustainability labels such as FSC.

Why save paper?

- Carbon Footprint

- Ecological Impacts

Reuse Paper

- Let your kids draw on the back of used paper.

- Use paper to light your fire / BBQ instead of fire lighters

Tips for Saving Paper

  Fed up with reading, well I'm fed up with typing. . .

Lets watch this fun video on saving paper.

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