The Environment

Why are hydrocarbon bad for the environment?

Hydrocarbons are oils, like crude, petrol, diesel, heavy oils, lubricants etc

Indirect Effects of Hydrocarbons on the Environment

There are indirect effects such as burning them to release carbon dioxide, and NOX, SOX and POX etc, these might then be further altered in to photochemical smog in the right conditions (doubly indirect). This cause coughs, and other respiratory ailments for people exposed to the fumes.

Direct Effects of Hydrocarbons on the Environment

A direct effect is something like an oil spill, which is devastating on a large scale like the deep horizon rig disaster last year in the Gulf of Mexico.

Oil Tankers can also be wrecked in storms spilling there oil.

Crude Oil Stick all over everything, birds, sand, seaweed and generally kills it.

Hydrocarbons in Groundwater

In the geo environmental sphere hydrocarbon can be split in to two subsets, in relation to their behavior in ground water / aquifers, LNAPLS and DNAPLS (Light / Dense Non aqueous phase liquids. Each with there own effect.

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